Dried Flower Bouquet


Our dried flower bouquets represent the full cycle of life on a flower farm: every stem here has been plotted, planted, watered, harvested, hand-dried and then arranged by us. It is truly seasonal and sustainable.

Select from four stunning colourways in the dropdown menu below or, if you have something specific in mind, let us know in the notes section when you come to checkout.

Posey: £40
Medium: £75
Large: £110

Available for nationwide delivery.

Care: Provided your bouquet is displayed in a warm, dry place, it will last a long time.






  • Collection from the farm is free of charge.
  • Delivery is available for orders over £40.
  • Local delivery is £10.00 and is available to the following postcode areas: NN6 6, NN6 7, NN6 8, NN6 9 and LE16 9.
  • Where indicated, nationwide delivery is available on products that can travel by post. Postage and packaging costs £12.00.

Delivery & Collection Information
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